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Squad 66 Performs With Weird Al

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:24 pm
by mrivorey
On July 28th, Imperial forces from The 70th Explorers and Squad 66 shared the Ozark Empire Grandstand with comedic legend Weird Al Yankovic for the performance of his song "The Saga Begins." Present on stage were six Imperial Storm Troopers, a TIE fighter pilot, a Tusken Raider, and Lord Vader himself (portrayed by Robert Brill). The Empire and its denizens were welcomed to the stage with thunderous applause and hundreds of flashing cameras. During the performance, the normally stoic Storm Troopers and their companions broke rank and allowed the music to move their armor-clad bodies as they expressed themselves in dance. Lord Vader ended this frivolity by igniting his light saber and raising it overhead as the lights went dim. Following the performance, the Imperials were treated to a special "meet & greet," with Weird Al and his band where they received autographs and posed for pictures with Weird Al and other fans who had backstage passes to the show. Special thanks to Matt Bakeburg, Keith Davis, Faron Morales, Andy McCormick, Brandon Lauthern, Norm Hackett, Kevin Fox, Steve Schaeperkoetter, Gary Schaeperkoetter, Todd Evans, and Karen Keen for their part in making this event a great success. The 70th and Squad 66 are eternally grateful to Weird Al and his crew for providing us with this momentous opportunity.