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Re: The Force Unleashed

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:18 am
by TK 3181
TD-2674 wrote:Unfortunately I had to call it quits on this game.....couldn't handle the performance issues. Drago or anyone have any more problems with the 360 version?
The only problems I have had with the 360 version are as follows:

- I got stuck in a wall one time and I was pummeled to death by a Stormtrooper commander.
- The lightsaber is just a glow stick that occasionally marks on the walls like a hot crayon. It cuts NOTHING.
- I don't like platform jumping. Come on, didn't Mario kinda wear that out? Give me some tactical decisions to make, not jumps to time just right!

I know that some of these are design issues, but honestly, they should have been considered during development. That said, I am thoroughly enjoying this game. (I have not beat it yet.) The saber fighting mechanics make it easy to fight multiple enemies at once and the new tech all works great, in my opinion. I have seen a little bit of screen lag, but not really enough to make me dislike the game. It could be better, but it certainly not a bad game. Lots of action and an entertaining storyline. So far, I am seriously considering the Commander paint scheme for my TK.... :twisted:

Re: The Force Unleashed

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:38 pm
by darthslick
I don't play a lot of games. Heck I just bought a Wii after the Weird Al Concert in Wichita.
I've played the complete Star Wars Lego saga. Loved it!

TK8878 and I made our appearance at the midnight showing here in Liberal.
He got the 360 version I got the Wii version not to mention the cool FREE action figure that came with it. They gave Evan and myself 2 each since we showed up in our armor!!

So far I love everything about the force unleashed except when it says it stores part of the game and it doesn't so I have always start back at the beginning of The Battle of the TIE Fighter Construction Facility because neither my wife or I can't figure out how to kill Jedi General Rahm Kota? He kills me and I'm suppose to be this great apprentice of Vader's? LOL!! I'm new to this new game stuff. Sorry. Last games I got into was my Super NES Star Wars games. That was fun. I do enjoy this though.

I give it 4 STARS!!

Re: The Force Unleashed

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:12 am
by Serty
I back up every thing Brandon says (considering its my game he is playing) other than I think its an OK game I beat it both ways found the holocrons I wanted and probably will hardy play it ever agian there isn't enough substance to keep me playing.

Re: The Force Unleashed

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:38 pm
by JaylinDakaal
I love the graphics, and I haven't had any issues with glitches other than it always sending me back to a check point instead of where I last saved. I love the way you can use the force.

My biggest issue with the game is the jumping. I am the most video game jump challenged person ever. It took me 6 hours to make the necessary jumps to get to the junk temple... I would much rather have more puzzles and fights to go through. I have however become extremely proficient at killing the Junk Titans...

Re: The Force Unleashed

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:48 am
by locokarma
I bought the PS2 version, and I have to say it's a decent game. Granted, there are a LOT of things you can't do on PS2 than you can with a 360. But since I don't have an XBOX yet, it's the best I can do. All in all, I'd give it 4.5 stars out of 10. Great storyline, like most have said... (would have been a great movie)- but it was way to short and over before I wanted it to be. I'm now going back to see if I can find more hologram thingies.

************** SPOILER CHEAT CODES *******************

Do not read any further if you don't want them!

Ok, this is what I've seen and what works for my PS2. Not sure if they will work for any other system.

You've been warned!

Mastermind unlocks Palpatine
Legion unlocks 501st stormtrooper costume
Mandalore unlocks Jedi General Kota
vergence (I think) unlocks all sith powers
cortosis immune to all damage ???

(cortosis and vergence may be backwards on what they unlock, I can't remember)

Re: The Force Unleashed

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:37 pm
by rebelbuttkicker
Question: I saw this earlier and as usual am blind. Which sysytem has co-op if any? I thought I saw it somewhere... :twitch:

Re: The Force Unleashed

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:59 pm
by Dwootan
The Wii system has a duel mode. I finished the game, but still have characters left to unlock. No other co-op that I'm aware of for this game. Any else heard anything???

Re: The Force Unleashed

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:29 am
by TrooperKerry
I replaced my PS2 over Christmas and bought the Force Unleashed. I also have Revenge of the Sith, Battlefront I & II, and Bounty Hunter (my favorite)

Not to many problems, with exception of getting killed, and when the game comes back on, I am invisible LOL, the background and opponent are there but Vader/ and Apprentice have "cloaked" themselves with the exception of the lightsaber.

My only other gripe is Shaak Ti ( Who is suspose to be dead already,......lightsaber through the heart by Grevious ) even tho this was a deleted scene from Sith, you'd think that the Lucas team would have said, um she's dead already. And frankly with all the screaming she does in the game, I'm surprised the Jedi Council hadn't killed her already :twisted:

I spent an hour yesterday fighting her, get her life bar blinking on one bar, then she'd scream and come back with life bar @ 10. I finally had to stop, my fingers were numb and achey from having a death grip on the controller.

Has anyone, gotten to the point of bringing blissful silence to the game?