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Evil Chris -- Superior to 616 Chris!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:04 pm
by CJ564
Chris says:
LMAO...I know I'm going to bed early because I want to be fresh and ready in the morning for PANCAKES!!! YAY for pancakes!!!!
CJ says:
mmmm pancakes.
Chris says:
See what I mean? Incentive already!!! YAY!!!!
CJ says:
yeaaaah yeaaaah
CJ says:
As long as I get to say i told you so if you don't
Chris says:
And that's even more incentive to be all fresh and ready for the day....lmao
CJ says:
Yeah cuz I'll NEVER shut up
Chris says:
Hey, I didn't say it. LMAO
CJ says:
Nah but you were thinking it. I know cuz I read minds
CJ says:
via the internet.
CJ says:
Chris says:
Wow, you're good. I want powers like
CJ says:
You have to sit infront of the monitor for hours to make sure a freak accident occurs. That's how superpowers develop.
CJ says:
You should know this! You read comic books!
CJ says:
(that should be the past tense read, god damn english language)
Chris says:
Yeah, I'm not sure that works though because I have sat for too many hours and nothing has happened. About the only super power I have gotten is super gut action. lmao
CJ says:
It's actually your undeveloped twin, trying to escape! : O
CJ says:
One day you will birth EVIL Chris.
Chris says:
LMAO....Wow, he's going to be bigger than I am if that's the
CJ says:
Who will actually be more like boring Chris because you already have half the evil-parralel universe habits.
Chris says:
CJ says:
including tiny beard.
Chris says:
Yay for tiny beard....
Chris says:
CJ says:
Evil Chris will like... work in file department at a Children's hospital. And build puzzles on friday nights.
CJ says:
And go to Perkins, because their breakfast potatoes are superior to IHOP hashbrowns.
Chris says:
LMAO...He's sooo evil!
CJ says:

Also he will be radioactive. Because it sounds cool.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:21 pm
by Drago Lordist
your mind resides in a strange and fascinating world doesn't it? lol

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:11 am
by Vici Karke
Drago Lordist wrote:your mind resides in a strange and fascinating world doesn't it? lol

Well, what would I be then? My mind that is. Be gentle though I know you will not be but it doesn't hurt to still say it. LOL! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:30 am
by CJ564
Drago Lordist wrote:your mind resides in a strange and fascinating world doesn't it? lol
Not really. There are at least three pop culture references in that conversation. If my mind resided in a strange and fascinating world, I wouldn't need to rip off other peoples ideas to be amusing.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:36 am
by judge_hellfast
Not really. There are at least three pop culture references in that conversation. If my mind resided in a strange and fascinating world, I wouldn't need to rip off other peoples ideas to be amusing.
Translation: Yes, it does. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hi CJ!!! :wavey:

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:47 am
by CJ564
judge_hellfast wrote:
Not really. There are at least three pop culture references in that conversation. If my mind resided in a strange and fascinating world, I wouldn't need to rip off other peoples ideas to be amusing.
Translation: Yes, it does. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hi CJ!!! :wavey:
Venture Brothers, bitch....


Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:35 am
by kbfett

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:24 pm
by CJ564
Hey guys I still think this is the best idea ever:


Or, alternatively, just us villainous women:

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
by kbfett
I have to be the friggin FAT ONE!!!! I guess compared to Dave and Chris...yes I do!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:45 pm
by CJ564
kbfett wrote:I have to be the friggin FAT ONE!!!! I guess compared to Dave and Chris...yes I do!
Yeah, you have to be the shortest one because Chris and Dave are anorexic and sasquatches and wouldn't make decent Henchman #21's. You only qualify because you aren't a billion feet tall, but we'd probably still have to shove a pillow in your shirt.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:55 pm
by TK Fro
"They're gonna kick our asses, ...we didn't have breakfast...."

CJ Be nice to Vader

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:51 pm
by snowtrooper

CJ Be nice to Vader he forgets that we are the ones who lead him around in the crowds And strange things can happen in a crowd
