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Boba Fett and the Raiders --"So Serious" Music Vid

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:05 pm
by Bynk
Hi all,

We are the bunch that did "Bad Boba" :

And yes, its time to do another Video!

This new project is to develop technical details for the upcoming episodes of "Sith City"... all to be shot using green screen as much as possible.

We will be shooting a new production for "Death Star TV", "So Serious"-- a Star Wars Music video based off of ELO's "So Serious":

As a secondary, we plan to use Adam Ant's "Goody Two Shoes". Also, we are very willing to field suggestions for ideas and other possible songs during the rehearsal.

Here are the dates, starting at noon. Locations soon to be posted.
Sat, Sept 22: Casting call, Rehearsal
Sun, Sept 30: Video shoot

o Boba Fett, Lead Singer: played by "Mandalorian Hunter"
o Tusken Raiders: at least 3 -the backup chorus
o ZZ Top Style Sith Lord on Electric Guitar
o Slave Leia/Gogo girl
o Jawa on Drums

AUDIENCE (need as many as possible):
o Stormtroopers & Imperials
o Various Jedi
o Various Sith
o Mos Eisley Scum and
o Any and all other Star Wars characters

To give you an idea of how the music video set will look...

Boba will be on the lead dais singing with three backup Tusken dancers/chorus:

Next: The Tuskens will be imitating The Temptations dance moves on daises:

ZZ Top Sith Lord:

Also, for those who participate, we will be offering green screen portraits. We'll take the picture and place you in front of any landscape you submit.


The Iron Dragon Film Crew
-Lancelot Mallia & Kevin Bingham

PS: Questions? Feel free to add to the thread or email

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:35 am
by Bynk
Bynk wrote: Sat, Sept 22: Casting call, Rehearsal
Sun, Sept 30: Video shoot
Rehearsal location has been determined!
Cmndr Falken has graciously donated his backyard for the rehearsal. Thanks Cmndr! Starting time will be noon.

If you don't know where the Cmndr lives, please either message me or him.

As for the video shoot location, we are negotiating with a few different locations and should have something definite by noon Thursday.

"No ma'am, we're filmmakers."

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:00 pm
by Bynk
Hello All!

We got some great results from the rehersal and got the ball rolling. Our Mandalorian, Jawa, Sith, Imperial Officer, and Tusken did some fantastic work.

The full on shoot is on schedule for Sunday, September 30th at noon. And again, Cmndr Falken has GRACIOUSLY donated his garage as a stage/studio for the 30th shoot. A very special kudos goes out to him.

Come one, come all, the more the merrier for the shoot on the 30th.

Thanks again,
"No ma'am, we're filmmakers."

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:16 pm
by Bynk
I just saw some of the raw footage with the background "green screened". It's fricken hilarious! The video is going to be ROTFLMAO funny.

Here's some sample pics from the shot taken with my SLR.



Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:11 pm
by Bynk
Woot! In the words of Admiral Ackbar, "It's a wrap!"

Great job by our talented players!

o First thanks to Mandalorian Hunter for braving the lights, and sweating and singing and dancing and rocking his heart out... you are the envy of Hunters.

o Then there is Darth Zazarus, who would make the ZZ's proud... a true Sith among pretenders.

o And what would have we done without Tuskan Trenton with his syncopated gaffi stick and comedic repartee?

o And finally a very, very special thanks to Cmndr Falken, for lending of his landing bay as a stage, to his commanding the HOTA ship Mantis, his animated Tusken, his Imperial spy Garridan, his trooper of a Jawa (make sure to let her know), his wondrous wife (let her know too), and his nourishing and tasty whomp rat soup that tastes like chicken.

Great job everybody, and thanks. We'll keep you posted on post-production progress.

Now go and get some much deserved rest.


Boba Fett and The Raiders is now on YouTube!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:14 am
by dragonabg

EDIT: URL fixed by GWL