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Indy 4 - spoilers

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:41 am
by Dwootan
I just got back from the mid-night showing and you all have to see this movie. It holds true to the originals!

Good Job George Lucas!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:24 am
by DarthBarbieDoll
Awesome! I have tickets to the 5:30 p.m. show today and I can't wait! :)

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:44 am
by judge_hellfast
I want to go see this as well. Unfortunately, I've heard mixed reactions to the movie. Some liked it and others did not.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:16 pm
by GsWookie
We went to the midnight show last night. It was good. Not the best Indy movie, but stayed true to the "Indy-verse" and it had nice closure for the Saga.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:24 pm
by rebelbuttkicker
What, he blast off in the Falcon? :lol:

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 10:15 am
by TK-2166
I also saw it at the midnight showing. While it's not as good as any of the originals its still defiantly an Indy movie. There are one or two parts I could have done with out but over all it was a fun movie to watch. Im seeing it again tonight in fact!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 10:49 am
by DarthBarbieDoll
Raiders and Last Crusade have always been my favorites and I would put Skull on the same level as Temple of Doom. It was still an overall good movie and I would recommend seeing it if you are an Indiana fan. :)

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:43 pm
by TX8633
(Oh, they went there!) But, most everything Speilberg does is still worth the price of a ticket. It was good to see Indy back in action too! It was a fun ride that will stand the test of time... I tip my fedora to the makers!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 8:31 pm
by darthslick
If only that April Fools Joke was true!! Harrison Ford coming back to play Han Solo!! Now that would be worth the price of admission!!

You never know what GL is up too. Didn't see Cone Wars Cartoon movie coming. there's more to come!!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:13 pm
by rebelbuttkicker
That was a sweet movie! :P

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:42 am
by Darth Fox

If you have not seen Indy 4, read no more.

Here is my two cents:

I liked the movie. Very unique. But I did have issues (being the die-hard Indy fan that I am):

1. Why are they turning Indy into such a wuss? Sure he is older, but compare the number of people killed by Indy in Raiders to this movie.
The answer: Lots to just one. The only one that Indy kills is the cemetery guarder with the blow gun. He pulls his gun out once in this movie and doesn't even use it. ???

2. I liked the fact that the warehouse seen at the end of Raiders is actually Area 51. That was a nice surprise.

3. Up until opening week, listed John Hurt as "Abner Ravenwood." Obviously Marion said that he was dead in Raiders, but I was waiting for the "big reveal" in this movie and it never happened. I am glad it did not, but was still confusing. Poop on you, IMDB!

4. The jungle chase was a little drawn out and quite unlikely.

5. Can a refridgerator save you in a nuclear blast? If so, could you survive in one that was just tossed 100 feet in the air?

6. Indy really did not do any work. He followed the work of someone else before him to find the prize. In the other movies, he solves the clues, finds the answers, discovers the prize, etc.

7. I liked the fact that they did acknowledge Marcus and Henry Sr. Too bad that they killed them off.

All in all, I did like the movie very much. It was fun. I enjoyed "trooping" at the Eastglen in Lee's Summit. And watching the movie in costume just makes it all that much better.

The floor is open. What do you think?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 6:55 am
by Dinadin TK-5972
Darth Fox wrote:SPOILER ALERT!!!!

If you have not seen Indy 4, read no more.

1. Why are they turning Indy into such a wuss? Sure he is older, but compare the number of people killed by Indy in Raiders to this movie.
The answer: Lots to just one. The only one that Indy kills is the cemetery guarder with the blow gun. He pulls his gun out once in this movie and doesn't even use it. ???

5. Can a refridgerator save you in a nuclear blast? If so, could you survive in one that was just tossed 100 feet in the air?
1. I think he did kill at least one more person. I think I remember the kid fighting someone and losing. I think the kid was about to be shot and you here a bang and the bad guy falls over and there is Indy standing behind the bad guy with a pistol.

5. I did notice that the refridgerator said it was Lead lined before he got in it. As for the flying we have to assume that he was so tightly packed in there that he couldn't move arround.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:13 pm
by Dwootan
My favorite Indy line was in the "quick sand" part.

"Tell me... it's a rope!" :)

I thought that the Mutt / Tarzan part was cheesy, but it related back to those old movies. The movie had something in it for everyone young and old.

Interesting how Indy was a Colonel in the Army. I didn't see that one coming. But, I also didn't see it coming when Han Solo became a General in the Rebellion. I wonder, did he use the whip during the war? Was he in the Pacific or Europe theater?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:58 pm
by rebelbuttkicker
Dwootan wrote:

Interesting how Indy was a Colonel in the Army. I didn't see that one coming. But, I also didn't see it coming when Han Solo became a General in the Rebellion. I wonder, did he use the whip during the war? Was he in the Pacific or Europe theater?
No he used a DL-44 :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:06 am
by Darth Fox
Okay. I just saw it for the 3rd time.

Indy does not shoot anyone with HIS gun.

The only time that he shoots someone is in the foot in Area 51.

He does pull his gun out and scares away a cemetery guarder that is about to kill Mutt, but he does not shoot him.

And I don't care if it is lead lined or not, flying through the air in a refridgerator would do some body damage to you. Even if you are packed tightly, your brain is not. You would at the very least have a serious concussion.

But like I said, still a great movie. I try not to take things too seriously, especially movies. I just miss the old "shoot first and ask questions later" Indy. And Han for that matter.
Any word on the special edition Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Cairo swordsman pulls out a gun and shoots first, but misses before Indy blows him away? :angry2: