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A post for the ladies (about jeans and charity!)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:35 pm
by CJ564
Just thought i'd let the ladies of the 70th know about this: ...

Basically, Vanity is doing an event where you exchange your old denim for a coupon good for 25% off a new pair of jeans. It doesn't matter what it is so long as it's denim, and you will get 1 coupon for every denim item you donate. According to the woman at my local Vanity, there's no limit to the coupons you can use at once (though they cannot be stacked ontop of the same item and can only be used uniquely), and they will be redeemable until after Thanksgiving sometime (figure she forgot the exact date). This is a great time to get some new jeans and the old ones go to a good cause (Helping insulate houses for the poor). I was told literally ANY denim item will be taken so if YOU don't have any old jeans but have a male acquaintance that might, you can take their old jeans and get yourself something awesome.

As far as the quality of pants you would be getting 25% off, their premium jeans are (so i've been told) pretty good for a mall-boutique jean, and I inspected them today when I was in the store and they were quite thick and seemed pretty durable (much more durable than the pants I am going to trade in, which ripped after only a month). Full price, these pants were 30-40 bucks a pair.

The great thing about Vanity is the sizing runs like guys jeans (34x34 or what have you) instead of that "Size #" garbage, so you can more easily find the jeans that fit just right.