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Chris and Fire.... (this one's for you buddy!)

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:41 pm
by CJ564
Ken: Dave aint talking to'd it go tonite?
CJ Heth: Go where what now?
Ken: at the casino?
CJ Heth: Oh, we didn't go to the casino
CJ Heth: Dave's playing wow, hence lackage of response.
Ken: Sorry thought you went
CJ: Nope, OH
CJ: Chris went
Ken: what did he say>
Ken: ?
CJ: Dunno, haven't talked to him. He's a lame-o and won't get a IM!
Ken: Oh yeah!!
CJ: Let's set him on fire.
Ken: I'm your man!!!
CJ: Sweet. You get the gas can and i'll get the matches. If you are real nice I might let you strike them too!
Ken: On 2nd thought I kinda like Chris
CJ: This is not about disliking Chris.
CJ: I love Chris, he's my buddy. This is about teaching Chris what's what.
CJ: And lame-o's without IM programs get set on fire.
Ken: It's not about liking chris its about loving fire!!!!
CJ: That too <_<

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:55 pm
by judge_hellfast
In the immortal words of Confuscious, a great oriental philosopher, states that he or she who play with fire only gets burned in the end. So batten down the hatches, we're in for a bumpy ride. :lol:

So, take this:


Feel this love, baby!!!! Oh Yeah!! Thanks, Dru for the inspiration, bro.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:21 am
by CJ564

You're still IMLESS!!

RE: Chris and Fire

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:29 am
judge_hellfast wrote:In the immortal words of Confuscious, a great oriental philosopher, states that he or she who play with fire only gets burned in the end. So batten down the hatches, we're in for a bumpy ride. :lol:

So, take this:


Feel this love, baby!!!! Oh Yeah!! Thanks, Dru for the inspiration, bro.
Gee thanks Chris, It took me half the night to get that pic out of my mind! And what do you do? You Blow it up, And post it here to give us Nightmares. What's next, Pics of his Ummmm Crotch Shifting? Good God man, Have some decency. We have to live with that image burned into our mind now :roll: I'm sure we have better pics than that LOL :D :D 8) 8) MICHAEL

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:14 pm
by Grand Moff Verkessch
uhhh HUH... you guys.... .... disappoint me... when and where was all this fun taking place... LOL and you didnt invite me... aargggghhhhhh...


Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:10 pm
by judge_hellfast
CJ, I'm not IMless. I have a yahoo IM. Doesn't that work????

By the way, I need to get in touch with you guys sometime soon. Talk to you later.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:20 pm
by CJ564
Oh I see so you just hate me and didn't want to talk to me. ;_;

(Why does everyone use crappy YIM around here?)

Dave and I are painting today. I'm builder bob too : D

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:04 pm
by TK5544
That picture does NOT represent my best side. However it is one of my better poses and I did have some decency about it I mean I didn't moon the vips or anything I only did it around the others so there ha ha, you try wearing that armor on a hot day things tend to shift and chafe badly.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:09 pm
TK5544 wrote:That picture does NOT represent my best side. However it is one of my better poses and I did have some decency about it I mean I didn't moon the vips or anything I only did it around the others so there ha ha, you try wearing that armor on a hot day things tend to shift and chafe badly.

Dru, I hope you know I was kidding around :wink: If you thought I was serious, I appologize. :D :D 8) 8) MICHAEL

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:19 pm
by TK5544
Oh I know I am never serious about anything Don't EVER think I am serious cause I am so so laid back. You would know If I was serious about something the post would be like 40 pages long and include some colorful remarks heh. It was fun and yeah I kinda like to show off especially when the people I am around don't know me I am so shameless and my GF hates me for it heh.