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70th Explorers Take Cape By Storm

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:08 pm
by DarthBarbieDoll

Members of the 70th Explorers Garrison appeared at the 2nd annual Cape Girardeau Comic Con on April 21-22. Joined by the local Fan Force and Paducah Imperials, the 70th marched in the door and was met with a small sun of light from all the pictures being taken. The local televison station recorded the grand entrance as the troops took their stations to fulfill their assigned duties for the day. A 501st information booth was provided by Ral Wheeler/TD-488 and the local troops and really gave the event participants a good idea of what we are all about in the 70th Explorers. Members were available for photo ops and also waved to passersby on the street to encourage people to check out the convention. Thank you to the following members for making this event a great success: Ral S. Wheeler (TD-488), Lis Wheeler (TI-2482), Brian Steele (SL-9633), Mark Owens (TD-7284), Evelyn Owens (TK-7280), Curt Stanfill (TK-1161), Chris Moody (TK-394), Ryan Krushas (SL-3401), Rhonda Brown (TB-1165), Dave Barkovitz (TK-6206), Eric Wickes (ID-6720), Steve Zapolski (TK-8703), and Dru Felkins (TK-5544).
