Legion Converges On KC For Planet Comicon

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Legion Converges On KC For Planet Comicon

Post by mrivorey »

Members of the 70th Explorers and Central Garrison met April 4th-6th in the Kansas City area for the annual Planet Comicon. It all kicked off on a Friday night with 501st members attending a private dinner with convention guest of honor, Kenny Baker (R2-D2 in all 6 Star Wars films).

As Saturday morning arrived, so did scores of Legion members. A group photo of most was taken outside the convention center before starting the day. Upon finishing, an impressive line of costumed bad guys led by Darth Vader himself marched their way inside and were greeted by many camera carrying fans. We finally came to rest at our table where we greeted more fans, explained what the 501st was all about, and showed off our costumes and swag to those interested.

After the convention closed down for the evening, 70th and Central members drove out to a place called Power Play (similar to a Dave & Buster's). The impressive group took up nearly half the dining area while we ate. Chanute troopers, Robert Brill (TK-2774) and Faron Morales (TK-1423) stayed in armor for this after party.

"Butt-Trooper" Dru Felkins (TK-5544) reportedly got it handed to him in a game of air hockey. GWM Chris Moody (TK-394) taught the LMO's daughter how to text and drive while on the go carts. Our newly elected C.O., Curt Stanfill (ID-1161) led his troops through some training in a game of laser tag (and in true stormtrooper fashion, no one had any idea what was going on or how to hit the broad side of a Correlian Cruiser).

The troops were also treated to a game of bowling by one of the staff members of Power Play. Around 15 people playing on 2 lanes made for a very long game though, and they spent most of that time socializing and making runs to the bar/concession stand.

A second round was made at the go carts and things looked more like a pod race as the competition heated up while the brake pads didn't. A few members closed down the facility, leaving at midnight, but not before squeezing about 7 people into a photo booth for a memory and a picture.

Sunday came around and most of the tired troopers returned to the convention. In cooperation with the Rebel Legion, photographers recreated a scene from A New Hope with Darth Vader stepping over dead Rebels and Stormies. Darth Vader then posed for photos "choking" other characters and convention goers alike.

A fun time was reported by all at what is turning into the 70th Explorers largest attended convention each year. Photos from this event can be found at: http://www.70thexplorers.com/event_pics ... t_Comicon/