Squad 66 Attacks the "Clone Wars" Premiere

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TK-1161 Curt
70th Explorers Garrison
70th Explorers Garrison
Posts: 3308
Joined: Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:48 pm
First Name: Curt
Last Name: Stanfill
TK Number: 1161
Location: Ballwin, MO

Squad 66 Attacks the "Clone Wars" Premiere

Post by TK-1161 Curt »

On the evening of August 14th, members of Squad 66, The Rebel Legion, and Fanforce patrolled the Campbell 16 Cine in Springfield Missouri for the opening of STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS. General Skywalker, Boba Fett, a pair of Imperial Stormtroopers, a Tie fighter pilot, General Kenobi, a Jawa, an Imperial Technician, Mara Jade, and assorted Jedi were among those present. The evening was a success. There were no notable Rebel or separatist uprisings. Aside from a pesky Jawa making numerous attempts to steal our Gonk Droid, all was peaceful and our presence was merely a precautionary measure. (Besides getting to see the movie again, that is!)

There was also a mobile Imperial recruitment station on site to make contact with those who are interested in joining the ranks of the 501st Legion. Due to the generosity of the Campbell 16, we were able to distribute Clone Wars Swag including Temporary Tattoos, Movie Posters, and Activity Books. We also passed out flyers with information on the 501st Legion and the 70th Explorers Garrison. Many moviegoers were very surprised to find out that there is a Legion presence in Southwest Missouri. Most were eager to check out our gear and ask questions about joining. Many fresh-faced Legion hopefuls talked with our recruiter and we hope to hear more from them in the future.

Special thanks to Bracy Martin and the theater staff for their generous support and thanks to the Squad 66 members who attended including: Steve Schaeperkoetter as Clone Wars Obi wan, Gary Schaeperkoetter as an Imperial tech officer, Karen Keen as the pesky Jawa, Keith Davis as the brute Stormtrooper, Charley Norton as General Skywalker, Andy McCormick as an Imperial Stormtrooper, Jeff Woodward as Boba Fett, Norm Hackett as a Jedi General, Matt Bakeberg as an Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot, and Squad Leader Brandon Lauthern fulfilled recruiting duties. We also appreciate the efforts of the Springfield Fanforce as well as the participation of the Rebel Legion and other loyal fans in making this event the success that it was.
Curt Stanfill
TK-1161 / ID-1161 / DZ-1161
Gateway Squad
70th Explorers Garrison