Light the Night 2014 - Lawrence, KS

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70th Explorers Garrison
70th Explorers Garrison
Posts: 1768
Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:19 pm
First Name: Bill
Last Name: Holmes
TK Number: 7014
Location: Olathe, Kansas

Light the Night 2014 - Lawrence, KS

Post by TB-WCH »

Members of the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, The Dark Empire and their friends came out to Light the Night in Lawrence, KS on Sept 20, 2014. Those members in attendance included: James Kave (TK), Matthew Scholten (Scout), Kevin Austin (Jedi), Tommy Sutton (Mandalorian), Kelly Morton Sutton (Mandalorian), Austin Buckhalter (Dark Jedi), Amber Renee Holmes (Rebel Pilot), and William C Holmes (Jedi Knight).
Bill Holmes "Longshot" TB-7014
501st Legion/ 70th Explorers Garrison

Rebel Legion

The Madalorian Mercs

The Dark Empire

Saber Guild

Droid Builders