Elite Comics Marvel Star Wars #1 Release Party

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70th Explorers Garrison
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Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:19 pm
First Name: Bill
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Elite Comics Marvel Star Wars #1 Release Party

Post by TB-WCH »

Members of the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, and The Dark Empire invaded Elite Comics on January 14, 2015 for the release of Marvel Comics' Star Wars cover. Jason Aaron, the cover's write was there signing copies. Those in attendance included: Travis Macken (Chewbacca), Jamey Garner (TK), Marie Cardello (Jawa), Frank P. Cardello III (Photographer), Jen Guinevere Kirby (TK), Kevin Austin (Jedi), Kory F Burch (Jedi), James Miller (Scout), Nate Lesan (Rebel Pilot), Jon McKim (Jedi), Tony Pierce (Imperial Officer), Sabrina Hargis (AH Leia), Terry Handshy, and William C Holmes (Republic Commando).
Bill Holmes "Longshot" TB-7014
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