Hello! I know the crl is in development and I have a few adjustments to make still, but I want to do a mimban stormtrooper in the 70th Explorers. I've never sent a costume through the approval process though. How does that work? And suggestions on approval or the armor would be appreciated!
That looks great! Essentially with the CRL in development you'll have to standby for it to go live before you can actually submit for approval.
I'd imagine that the pictures will be similar to that sent for stormtroopers, you'll need front, back, sides (with arms up and down) and then most likely close-ups of the finer details and helmet, etc. You'll go to the 501st website and under the Our Community drop-down menu you'll select Join the Legion and fill in all of the appropriate details. You'll list your TK-ID choices, select this garrison, the squad you will be in and the costume you'll be submitted. After that you'll email the pics or send a link with the pics on another website to the GML address with who you are and that you are submitting for approval.
From there a GML will get in contact with you with any corrections and re-submission of pictures or you'll get the approval if there are no changes needed.
--------------------- Ryan Schmuke
70th Explorers GML
Spec Ops DL