Stanfill Announces New Garrison Staff

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Stanfill Announces New Garrison Staff

Post by mrivorey »

Newly elected CO, Curt Stanfill announced his appointments for the
garrison staff this weekend. They are: XO: Chris Haze. GML:
Ral Wheeler. GWL: Evan Greenwood. PRO: Dru Felkins. Webmaster: Chris
Moody. Garrison Captain of the Guard: Chris Adams.

The job duties of the aforementioned staff members are as follows.

XO (Executive Officer): Assist the Commanding Officer with regards to running the garrison.

GML (Garrison Membership Liaison): Establish first contact with new applicants and help them through the process of joining. Also responsible for keeping garrison members' information up to date in the Legion database. Also conducts the annual census.

GWL (Garrison Web Liaison): Responsible for obtaining, prepping, and uploading members' profile photos for the Legion web site.

PRO (Public Relations Officer): Responsible for creating and maintaining PR materials to help promote the garrison.

GWM (Garrison Webmaster): Responsible for creating and maintaining the garrison website and database, as well as the websites for any squads attached to the garrison.

GCG (Garrison Captain of the Guard): Responsible for overseeing the forums to ensure posts conform to guidelines. Also acts as a moderator to resolve disputes involving garrison members.