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Anoter Reason why Kansas is Jacked up

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:45 pm
by TK5544
Only in Kansas will this happen and Just proves my point about the state and why everyone associates it with, well less fortunate people.

This is really a Joke and I actually don't have a problem with Kansas but I like to poke fun at Newell in one way or another so don't get all bent out of shape since I am a Kansas hater heh.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:03 pm
by kbfett
The only reason this doesn't happen in Missouri is because most of you hillbillies don't have indoor plumbing and it's too cold to spend 2 years in an outhouse.....

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:29 pm
by TK-1161 Curt
Why am I not surprised that the Butt Trooper would be the one searching the net for news stories about butt issues. :eek:

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:29 pm
by TK1423
LOL, Good one Dru.

LOL, Good one Ken.

Here is some Dumbest Criminals and Crooks in Kansas and Missouri

I can see my footprints, can they?
In TOPEKA, Kan., police say they caught a homicide suspect within 15 minutes of the shooting by following footprints for a mile and a half through new-fallen snow. The man, 29, was arrested early Tuesday at a friend's house where he was pretending to be asleep in bed, said a Sergeant for the department, a watch commander with the Topeka Police Department.

You can always depend on friends!
Topeka, Kansas: A man held up a convenience store. When he discovered there was not much money in the register, he decided to wait on customers for a while to build up a little more cash. His plan failed when one of the clerk's friends came in, became suspicious and called the cops.

Light up shoes!
Topeka, Kansas: A criminal fleeing police one snowing night was tracked very easily through the neighbor. The police just watched his feet - he was wearing those “light-up” shoes that light up when you walk.

I'm here to bail out my friend!
A guy comes into the St.Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Telling the officer working at the front desk he would like to bail out his friend that was arrested earlier. The officer asked the would be good Samaritan to come through the metal detector as he does the detector alarms, the officer asks him to remove the contents of his pocket and place them in the basket the guy fills the basket with misc. including keys a wad of cash a pack of gum and his bag of dope! Hmmm who's going to bail him out? SLMPD

Can not ticket stupidity!
When Stan Caddell wanted to wash his Chevrolet, he backed the car into a foot of water in the Mississippi River at Hannibal, Missouri. When he got out to clean the car, it floated away. Police were able to retrieve the vehicle some distance downstream. According to an officer on the scene, no action would be taken against the driver because "you can't ticket a guy for being stupid..."

I am no hater, but like Dru, I like poking fun at dumb people... lol...

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:30 pm
by TK1423
LOL, Good one Curt.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:08 pm
by rebelbuttkicker
2 years on the seat, wouldn't you get bored at some point and just wonder out?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:55 pm
by Dwootan
What the .... 2 years on the can!

I wonder why she was taken to Wichita instead of Dodge City, Salina, or Great Bend? It's been a few years since I lived in Kansas, but aren't those cities closer?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:19 pm
by rebelbuttkicker
Well if she was life flighted (they do that on longer transfers) it would be more beneficial to get better doctors or go far enough to make up for lifting the helicopter off (seriously, it's a crazy price). :roll: