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Epoxy Resin

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:21 pm
by TK5544
Hey all,

I posted this is off topic because well its not 70th related but you all can hopefully help me.

I am looking for Epoxy base fiberglass resin, not the stuff you go to walmart or orielys and pick up in the can with the little squeeze bottle of mekp hardener but the epoxy stuff that usually comes in a ratio mix of any were from 1 to 1 to 4 to 1 mix.

I am trying to find a local source, it's for the vette another reason this is off topic, instead of buying it off the net since I would have to pay high shipping fees and don't need but a quart of the stuff.

I can't use polyester based resin on the back half of the vette because it isn't made of 'real' fiberglass, instead Chevrolet started making the back halves of the cars out of sheet molded composite in late '72, and in '73 went to the full car, and the standard polyester resin sticks just long enough for you to think your good to go then you paint and wahlah your repair falls off your car, nice huh?

Anyway Epoxy based resin Kansas City area, anyone have a source for this? Many thanks your way in advance.

Re: Epoxy Resin

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:20 pm
by TK 3181
I do not know about KC, but I buy this stuff at Sleeth Hobbies here in Springfield. It's about the cheapest/most readily available source I have found. That said, look for a mom & pop hobby store that specializes in R/C stuff. Primarily airplanes.

Hope that helps.

Re: Epoxy Resin

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:31 pm
by TK5544
I found some at a boat store in Blue Springs, WOW its expensive compared to the standard ole poly based stuff, I think I spent more on a quart of epoxy than I have ever spent on a gallon of the poly, ah well you got to pay to play.

Thanks anyway all.