Legoland Star Wars Weekend

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70th Explorers Garrison
70th Explorers Garrison
Posts: 1768
Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:19 pm
First Name: Bill
Last Name: Holmes
TK Number: 7014
Location: Olathe, Kansas

Legoland Star Wars Weekend

Post by TB-WCH »

Members of the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, The Dark Empire, The R2 Builders and their friends invaded Legoland Discovery Center in Kansas City on September 20-21, 2014. Those in attendance included: Greg Bosko (imperial Knight/Scout Trooper), Darryl Woods (LFL Artist), Kaladin Kaladin (Boba Fett), Jenni Bennett (Tusken Raider), James Kave (TK), Dave Garrison Smith (Darth Vader), Sarah Heim (Sith). Richard Heffernan (Handler), Matthew Scholten (Scout Trooper), Melissa Wheeler (Princess Leia), Austin Buckhalter (Gray Jedi), Tim Peterson (Jedi), Kyle Detrick (Obi-wan Kenobi), Lianne Marie (Photographer), Frank P. Cardello III (Handler), Ben Musser (TK), Kevin Austin (Gray Jedi), Travis Macken (TK), Jerry-Lee Robosa Calalang (Scout Trooper)Bruce Cottingham (Jango Fett), Jon McKim (Jedi and Rebel Pilot), Laura Wootan (Imperial Gunner), Daniel Bailey (Sith), J. Shane Ward (Jedi), Amber Renee Holmes (Rebel Pilot), and William C Holmes (TIE Pilot/Republic Commando/Jedi).
Bill Holmes "Longshot" TB-7014
501st Legion/ 70th Explorers Garrison

Rebel Legion

The Madalorian Mercs

The Dark Empire

Saber Guild

Droid Builders