Star Wars Reads Day III - Wichita, KS

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70th Explorers Garrison
70th Explorers Garrison
Posts: 1768
Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:19 pm
First Name: Bill
Last Name: Holmes
TK Number: 7014
Location: Olathe, Kansas

Star Wars Reads Day III - Wichita, KS

Post by TB-WCH »

Members of the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, Barnes and Noble Employee Star Wars Fans, and our friends had a great time at Star Wars Reads Day in Wichita, KS on October 11, 2014. Thanks Philip Harley for heading up this event. Those in attendance included: Phil Harley (Tusken Raider), Paul Clatfelter (TK), Andrew Cullum (Rebel Fleet Trooper), Meghan Cullum (Imperial Officer), Austin Egil Landreth (Stormtrooper Commander- WIP), Alex Romereim (Royal Guard-WIP), and William C Holmes (Jedi Knight).
Bill Holmes "Longshot" TB-7014
501st Legion/ 70th Explorers Garrison

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