Star Wars Weekend at Legoland

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70th Explorers Garrison
70th Explorers Garrison
Posts: 1767
Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:19 pm
First Name: Bill
Last Name: Holmes
TK Number: 7014
Location: Olathe, Kansas

Star Wars Weekend at Legoland

Post by TB-WCH »

Members of the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, and The Dark Empire celebrated May Fourth Weekend at the Legoland Discovery Center on May 2-3, 2015: Those members in attendance included: Bruce Cottingham (Sandtrooper), Matthew Scholten (Scout), Marie Dwyer-Cardello (Jawa), Frank P. Cardello III (Jedi), Krissy 'Kit' Bebel (Imperial Officer and Photographer), Jerry Catalang (Scout), Kevin Austin (Jedi), Kory F Burch (Jedi), Tabatha Carter (Photographer), William C Holmes (Boba Fett).
Bill Holmes "Longshot" TB-7014
501st Legion/ 70th Explorers Garrison

Rebel Legion

The Madalorian Mercs

The Dark Empire

Saber Guild

Droid Builders
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