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I need your help!!!!!!! Possible fan film project???

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 9:38 pm
by zap0329
Greetings. I hope that everyone is doing well. I am asking for any available members of the Garrison (with your Armor/Costume) to assist me in a short 2 minute film for a job interview. It could also be the start of a future Garrison fan film if anyone wanted to take it more than 2 minutes. A local radio staion (very popular country staion) is looking for someone to join their morning show. The video is the first step and I was hoping I could get a few people to help me out.

Here is my idea. It kinda stems out from some of the recent Direct TV commericals, you know the ones that look like a scene from the movie (I think the most recent is America Pie) and a star starts to talk about Direct TV. Anyway, I was wanting to do something like that. Start if off with a scene from the Battle on Endor in Episode VI and cut to me and whoever is available (here is where I say my shpeel) and then close with another clip. I'll scout the area for some wooded land.

The date and time would be Monday, May 28th, Memorial Day, meeting at my house in Villa ridge, say arounrd 1:00pm (1300). Then it's back to my house for whatever I can get going on the grill.

I ran this by Chris Moody and he said it would be neat. I do understand if everone has something going on then, I just figured that there would be people at home, getting ready for the short work week and wanted to get together for the afternoon.

Thank you for your support.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 10:55 pm
by kantis
That sounds like an interesting idea, I'd like ot see what becomes of it. Wish I could help but I don't have armor.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:06 pm
by Grand Moff Verkessch
Steve sounds like a great idea, include me in on that...